How do you get Cheetos' newest slack-filled snack products to stick in people’s minds in an already crowded category?
Let people play with them. For the first time ever, people could turn a commercial into a second-screen video game and their smartphones into catapults—then launch Cheetos Mix-Ups into a YouTube video.
Cheetopult notched more than 8.5 million hits in its first few months. Average time wasted (sorry—played) was a whopping 7 minutes, 17 seconds. But most importantly, this first-of-its-kind experience helped make it one of the most successful product launches in Cheetos history.
NOTE: The game was sold through with the sensible name “Cheetopult,” before 11th-hour legal shenanigans forced us to change it to “Cheetahpult.” I've chosen to ignore this unfortunate turn of events.
Tagline: Dangerously cheesy.
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game screengrabs.